Caitlin Doughty
Most people want to avoid thinking about death, but Caitlin Doughty -- a twenty-something with a degree in medieval history and a flair for the macabre -- took a job at a crematory, turning morbid curiosity into her life's work. Thrown into a profession of gallows humor and vivid characters (both living and very dead), Caitlin learned to navigate the secretive culture of those who care for the deceased. Smoke Gets in Your Eyes tells an unusual coming-of-age...
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Fascinated by our pervasive fear of dead bodies, mortician Caitlin Doughty set out to discover how other cultures care for the dead. In rural Indonesia, she watches a man clean and dress his grandfather's mummified body, which has resided in the family home for two years. In La Paz, she meets Bolivian natitas (cigarette-smoking, wish-granting human skulls), and in Tokyo she encounters the Japanese kotsuage ceremony, in which relatives use chopsticks...
"Best-selling author and licensed mortician Caitlin Doughty answers real questions from kids about death, dead bodies, and decomposition. Every day, funeral director Caitlin Doughty receives dozens of questions about death. What would happen to an astronaut's body if it were pushed out of a space shuttle? Do people poop when they die? Can Grandma have a Viking funeral? In the tradition of Randall Munroe's What If?, Doughty's new book, Will My Cat...
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"Każdego dnia Caitlin Doughty, najsławniejsza na świecie właścicielka domu pogrzebowego, otrzymuje dziesiątki pytań dotyczących śmierci i zwłok. Te najciekawsze pochodzą od dzieci: Co stałoby się z ciałem astronauty, gdyby zostało wypchnięte z promu kosmicznego? Czy mogę babci wyprawić pogrzeb w stylu wikingów? Pozwolą mi trzymać czaszkę mamy na biurku? Czy po śmierci można oddać krew? Czy mój ukochany Mruczek nadgryzie moje...