1. Breeding a Perfect Society ; Beginnings: Davenport and eugenics in the United States ; IQ and involuntary sterilization ; Genetics against eugenics ; Exporting sterilization ; The Watson scandal ; Establishing human genetics ; Davenport's dreams today --
2. Molecular Diseases, Elusive Treatments ; The molecularization of biology ; Molecular diseases ; But no molecular medicine ; Dreams of editing genes ; Followed by stunning failure ; Recombinant DNA made no difference ; Gene editing BC (b̲efore C̲RISPR) --
3. What Good Was the Human Genome Project? ; The sequence revealed ; Common diseases and common variants ; Medical irrelevance of the sequence ; Critiques of the HGP, past and present ; Evolution and architecture of the genome ; Evolutionary contingency --
4. The CRISPR Revolution ; The CRISPR structure emerges ; Its function is decoded ; The mechanism of immunity ; Onward to gene editing ; The delivery problem ; Ubiquitous CRISPR --
5. Inevitable Eugenics? ; Eugenics in the news ; What is eugenics? ; Defining eugenics ; A working definition ; Inescapable eugenics? ; Matters of ethics --
6. Eliminating Genetic Diseases ; The long reach of Huntington's disease ; The He Jiankui affair ; The ethics of human germline intervention ; The limits of current science ; Gene specificity and Lenin's brain ; A policy proposal ; Proceed with caution ; Liberal and moderate eugenics --
7. Designer Baby Delusions ; Why not genetic enhancement? ; The normal and the enhanced ; Liberal eugenics and genetic enhancement ; Rationality of genetic enhancement ; Planned human obsolescence ; Where is the science? The case of intelligence ; Genomics and IQ ; What about physical traits ; Genetic reductionism ; Contextual developmental construction ; What is perfection? --
8. A CRISPR Future ; Editing the human germline ; Gene drives ; The ethics of promoting extinction ; Biosecurity ; CRISPR without the hype.